Current Columnist


Our highlighted columnist this month is from rural Ohio. That being said you should know he grew up around planting. Whether he was around farms or just planting his garden in the backyard, you know he knows his stuff.

Tips of the Month

  • Time to transplant
  • Watch the squirrels
  • Give lots of water
  • Be carful with springs storms and you delicate plants
  • Now the threat of frost is gone, move plants outside
  • It is time to come on in to the nursery and buy your plants
  • Do most of your heavy gardening now while the weather isn’t too hot

Growing and Sharing on Twitter

Tip of The Month: Be carful with springs storms and you delicate plants. Check out more about 5 hours ago

Come check us out on our new magazine called Grounded about 6 hours ago

rooftop garden

Little Garden

Having very little space to grow in can be a bit hindering, it can be hard, it can a bit claustrophobic, but it can also be very rewarding. It may take a lot of ingenuity but once you have your little patio science project up and running . . . more


Making Dirt

Composting can be a good thing for you, the environment and your plants. It saves you money if you have to pay to dispose of your trash by reducing the waste that is being sent out, it helps the environment by having less to fill the landfill, and it helps your plants because it picks up some great nutrients left . . . more


Raking Leaves?

One of the most helpful tools you can get is a hand rake. A hand rake can cut a lot of time and back breaking work out of your gardening. It can break up that hard dirt that would take you hours if you tried . . . more


Fresh Herbs

You are in for a treat. This month we decided that we were going to pick an herb for the plant of the month. Everyone loves herbs. Even if you just cut them up and put them into some water, they can make the house smell fresh and vibrant. Now of course you can cook with them too and we will get to that . . . more